Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Pete's Dragon, 4 Stars

Bryce Dallas Howard
Well, it has been a long time since a movie surprised me in such a simple and positive way. Pete's Dragon is a remake (also by Disney) of an animated version from the 1970's.

It is a simple premise about the discovery of a dragon (no surprise) and the individuals of all ages who react to and interact with it. And along the way it effortlessly captures your heart and imagination.

The Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) is excellent and portrays a very believable character. The acting is strong with Robert Redford (Sneakers) playing his (now usual) senior role, while (newcomers) Oona Laurence and Oakes Fegley are very credible and effective young actors. I like Bryce Dallas Howard (The Help) and admired her restraint in what could have been an overly sentimental part.

I really want to see this again and, if possible, while it's still in the theatres. Go see it!

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