Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, 4 Stars

Picture by Gage Skidmore **
If you like Star Wars IV, V & VI, you'll love VII. I've seen this twice already, once in a smaller, non-3D theatre and once in IMAX 3D. 3D works well, not sure I noted a difference with IMAX.

The action is non-stop and has a similar structure to number IV. Only a few quibbles about performances, but enough to deny an extra 1/2 Star rating. Daisy Ridley is an excellent, unknown, strong and likeable lead actor - gritty, with some humour and very determined. It is a pleasure to see Harrison Ford (The Fugitive) reprise his role as Han Solo. Oscar Isaac (Robin Hood) is charming and easy to like, while another unknown, John Boyega, plays his role well.

I plan to see this at least once more in the theatre and recommend it to you. Some questions arise from this production but many will be answered in future movies.  Enjoy!

(** I will do my best to give picture credits in future.)

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