Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Safe Haven

First of all, this is a Nicholas Sparks movie (based on his book). Enough said (but since I have more space...).

This film just feels disjointed. I'm not sure if Julianne Hough (Footloose) can act - there's not a lot of range shown. And Josh Duhamel (Win a Date with Tad Hamilton) is equally monotonous. I liked Cobie Smulders (whom I don't remember in The Avengers) and newcomer Noah Lomax shows good potential as one of the kids.

My impression is that Sparks is getting edgier in his stories - I'm not sure how the book was, but it doesn't translate to the screen. The cutting back and forth in time leaves a very choppy 'story'.

You might want to rent it or wait til it's on free TV (which is what I might do, if I'm desperate...).

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