Well, The Vow is hard to figure out. Rachel McAdams is adorable as always (Sherlock Holmes, Wedding Crashers, The Notebook, etc etc), she is very easy to watch. (One of the intriguing things in this movie is to watch her different haircuts). Channing Tatum is not so easy to watch or rather listen to - I cannot warm to him as his performances seem consistently 'wooden'.
The script and delivery are uneven. There are warm, intriguing, flowing parts that are a pleasure to view. Then there are the halting and stiff scenes that don't seem to have a natural fit or relationship to a previous or future scene. Whether the whole thing could have been better done I have no doubt (but I have no idea how...).
Wendy Crewson, whom I admire, is almost unnoticeable in a non-descript part. And Jessica Lange, (Tootsie, eons ago) whom I have also long admired, is good. And in a quirk of fate, my wife and I were surprised while watching credits to discover that a family friend, Dharini Woollcombe, has a two or three word part as a receptionist (I assume she was cast because part of the movie was shot in Toronto) - very cool!
Would I see it again? I think so (in part to watch Dharini again!). But I don't think I'd pay. Rental.
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