Thursday, 27 March 2014

Draft Day, 3 Stars

We had the opportunity to sneak preview this movie and we enjoyed it very much.

The story is about the hours leading up to the start of the NFL draft. You don't need to be a knowledgeable sports fan to enjoy this - the wheeling and dealing that goes on is reminiscent of scenes in Moneyball. It is a compelling story with suitable tension and a little bit of humour tossed in.

The casting is okay - several actors could have substituted for the ones who actually got the parts. Kevin Costner (Man of Steel) shines in sports movies and this is no exception; Jennifer Garner (Dallas Buyers Club) is her usual self, perhaps with a little more edge; and, Denis Leary (Thomas Crown Affair 1999) is a good choice and suitably dour - I'd like to see more of his work. For those who have seen Dave, there is a little 'reunion' of two of those actors in this one.

The film is a little slow starting out but gets faster and faster as the draft deadline approaches and gets underway. I recommend it to you and I would definitely see again.

The Descendants 2.5 Stars

I saw this movie recently on TV and liked it. There are a few different stories going on throughout, which makes it interesting.

George Clooney (Gravity) shows suitable angst when required and there are a few funny scenes of him running (I'm not sure they were supposed to be humorous...) and generally he plays himself. Judy Greer (13 Going on 30) showed more range than I've seen from her and was quite good. But the pleasant surprise is Shailene Woodley (whom I was not familiar with but is in Divergent) - her abilities shone through playing a surly, yet at times sensitive, teenager.

The theme throughout the movie is the impact of events on the family - both within the immediate nuclear unit as well as with the various groups who interact with that unit. As such, I enjoyed it and I'd likely see it again in order to reflect on the changes that occur within each of the groups throughout.