First, let me warn you, this is a totally predictable, sucky, fluffy, 'chick-flick' which are the type of movies I like (and I liked this one). If you are looking for an enjoyable rental, here you are.
You can figure out the 'plot' from the trailer or the descriptions provided by the distributor. The casting is great and there are several enjoyable characters.
Matt Damon, an actor whom I like very much, turns in a good performance (as usual) that adds to the film. I think
Scarlett Johannson is wonderful to watch on the big screen (as is
Nicole Kidman, but I digress), and this is no exception. What I haven't been able to figure out is whether Scarlet can act - it's a nice, though not memorable, performance but you could substitute any of the other current 25-35 year old leading actresses in there and the movie would be the same. The writing is okay but drags in the first half and in general the whole thing could be shorter. But I'd probably see it again.
P.S. And did see it again. The supporting cast is even stronger on second viewing and the above comments still apply.